The Correct Bed is pliable, & follows body curves w/ample support.
Bed wide enough to reach elbows of out stretched arms.
Bed long enough to lie with arms above head.
Sagging Bed gives no spinal muscle support w/rolling sleeper positions.
Hard Bed does not cradle body & creates hollows at the waist, between ribs & knees, making it impossible for muscles to relax.
Dreaming is essential to good health; dreaming takes the same amount of time as living out the dream, & can be initiated by external stimuli. In order to recall a dream, we must wake straight up from a REM dream. Go to bed at the same time every night. Good sleep regenerates Mind & Body, repairs damaged tissues & cells, & strengthens immune system. Sleep allied w/light & dark evolved into our 8 hours (apes slept in the dark for protection). 48 hrs. w/o sleep generates a stress substance similar to LSD, impairs brain function & concentration. Withdrawl from drugs causes nightmares & vivid dreams increasing in time to compensate for the dream time lost. We spend our nights in repeated “4-5 Descents & Asents (Dream Stage)” of four sleep stages:
Alpha Rhythm: Closing eyes, our brain waves show a special rhythm of relaxation known as Alpha Rhythm.
Stage 1 Sleep: Waves become irregular descending into a state of drowsiness to sleep. Muscular spasm (Myoclonic Jerk) occurs w/or w/o knowledge. Medical profession assumes spasms are caused by the brain switching from the conscious to the unconscious mind. Wives tale is that this spasm -jerk is ancesteral prehensile tail used to hang from trees & slips, so “the jerk is in our genes”.
Stage 2 Sleep: Following the Myoclonic Jerk, 10 minutes to State Two while muscles relax & heart slows down, the eyes roll side to side.
Stage 3 Sleep: Muscles become relaxed, breathing is even, heart rate, temperature & blood pressure all continue to drop fairly rapidly.
Stage 4 Sleep aka Delta Sleep: Final Stage where sounds will not wake us up as they would have earlier. REM: 1 hr. after sleeping, eyes begin rapid jerking motion in sync, heart rate & blood pressure become irregular, brain waves resemble the wakeing brain & oxygen intake increases, but our muscles become slacker, head & neck lacks muscle support. THE END
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