Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Research Supports The Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy Symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression may be alleviated with massage therapy

From: EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- To mark National Massage Therapy Awareness Week (NMTAW), October 20-26, the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) has compiled research that suggests symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression (all associated with mental health) may be alleviated with massage therapy. 

Following are some recent research findings which highlight the role of massage therapy in mental health and wellness. View AMTA's Research Roundup Volume 4 online at

Massage Therapy for the Treatment of Depression in Individuals with HIV
Research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine[1] indicates that massage therapy can reduce symptoms of depression for[1] individuals with HIV disease. The study lasted eight weeks, and results show massage significantly reduced the severity of depression beginning at week four and continuing at weeks six and eight. AMTA President Winona Bontrager says of the study, "This research suggests that regular therapeutic massage could be a useful tool in the integrated treatment of depression for patients with HIV." 

Massage Therapy to Reduce Anxiety in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Research published in Applied Nursing Research[2] shows that back massage given during chemotherapy can significantly reduce anxiety and acute fatigue. "This research demonstrates the potential value of massage therapy within the full cancer treatment spectrum, particularly during the often mentally and physically exhausting chemotherapy process," says Bontrager.

Massage Therapy for Reduced Anxiety and Depression in Military Veterans
Research published in Military Medicine[3] reports that military veterans indicated significant reductions in ratings of anxiety, worry, depression and physical pain after massage. Analysis also suggests declining levels of tension and irritability following massage. This pilot study was a self-directed program of integrative therapies for National Guard personnel to support reintegration and resilience after return from Iraq or Afghanistan.

Massage Therapy for Nurses to Reduce Work-Related Stress
Research published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice[4] shows that massage for nurses during work hours can help to reduce stress and related symptoms, including headaches, shoulder tension, insomnia, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain. "This study affirms the important role massage therapy can play in the work setting, in this case to ease stress for health care providers who, in turn, can better provide optimal patient care," says Bontrager.

It is the position of the American Massage Therapy Association that massage therapy can assist in reducing the symptoms of anxiety.  Read additional research on massage for anxiety.

Visit AMTA's Find a Massage Therapist® to find a qualified massage therapist in your area.

Previous Research Roundups from AMTA
Volume 1: Highlights the growing body of evidence that shows massage therapy can be effective for a variety of health conditions, including:

    Osteoarthritis of the knee
    Inflammation after exercise
    Chronic low back pain

Volume 2: Outlines medical research that suggests the benefits of massage therapy, including the role it can play in overall health and well-being in people of all ages, including:

    Enhanced immune function in preterm infants
    Decreased blood pressure and improved stability in older persons
    Reduced stress and anxiety in cancer patients

Volume 3: Contains research that suggests massage therapy can be a helpful aid for manually controlling pain in people suffering from certain conditions, including:

    Metastatic cancer
    Rheumatoid arthritis
    Post-cardiac surgery pain

Massage Therapy Facts

    Results from AMTA's 17th annual consumer survey, conducted in August 2013, reveal more Americans are incorporating massage therapy into their regular health and wellness regimens to assist with medical conditions;
        88 percent of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness
        88 percent of individuals believe that massage can be effective in reducing pain
        75 percent of consumers surveyed claim that their primary reason for receiving a massage was medical (43 percent) or stress (32 percent) related
        53 percent of people say their doctor has recommended they get a massage
[1] Polane, RE, Gertsik L, Favreau JT, et al. Open-label, randomized, parallel-group controlled clinical trial of massage for treatment of depression in HIV-infected subjects. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2013 Apr; 19(4):334-40. doi 10.1089/acm.2012.0058.
[2] Karagozoglu S, Kahve E. Effects of back massage on chemotherapy-related fatigue and anxiety: Supportive care and therapeutic touch in cancer nursing. Applied Nursing Research. 2013 Sep;19. pii: S0897-1897(13)00070-0. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2013.07.002.
[3] Collinge W, Kahn J, Soltysik R. Promoting reintegration of National Guard veterans and their partners using a self-directed program of integrative therapies: a pilot study. Military Medicine. 2012 Dec;177(12):1477-85.
[4] Engen DJ, Wahner-Roedler DL, Vincent A, et al. Feasibility and effect of chair massage offered to nurses during work hours on stress-related symptoms: a pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2012 Nov;18(4):212-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2012.06.002.

Posted by C. Sackman, Stevenswood Spa Director. We invite you to visit: for a complete listing of massage treatments performed in the Indigo Eco-Spa by our Licensed Massage Therapists.

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