Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to keep your Lymphatic System Healthy

By:       Mariposa, L.E., M.T.

Our lymphatic system is our body’s first line of defense, and keeping our lymph flowing is crucial. Our lymph, unlike our blood, does not have a pump to keep it moving. If you get swollen lymph nodes or swelling in your extremities this may be a sign of stagnant lymph. There are some simple yet effective self care methods to help your lymph flow properly that I would like to share with you.

Dry Brushing: Dry brushing has been used primarily by Europeans for decades and is one of the most understated simple ways to a healthy lymphatic system. A dry brush, like the name implies, is always used dry with no water or lotion on your skin. It is best done right before your shower or bath. Brush upwards in light sweeping or circular motion going up on extremities and clockwise on the abdomen. Your neck is the only place you brush down towards your heart. Dry brushing is an excellent way to encourage your lymph to flow and also removes dead skin cells leaving your skin soft and supple.

Infrared Sauna:  infrared saunas that go deep into your tissues and helps to sweat out toxins relieving the lymphatic system.

Rebounding: Bouncing on a rebounder (mini trampoline) is the best form of exercise to jump start your lymphatic system. You do not need to jump high but rather focus on your heels and feeling your body reverberating. You can also do this exercise in a pool.

Qigong tapping and bouncing: Qigong is an ancient Chinese form of energy work. Tapping along meridians is similar to an acupuncture effect. Bouncing is much like rebounding with specific hand movements and can have powerful effect on your overall health.

Being mindful of tight shoes and clothing that constrict your lymph flow is important as well as staying hydrated with pure water.


From Connie, Spa Director:  Stevenswood Spa Resort offers complimentary use of our infrared sauna to our lodging and spa guests.

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